Saturday, October 28, 2006

Trunk or Treat

Tonight was our ward's "trunk or treat", it was a lot of fun! Kernan was a skunk! I've had this costume for 2 years and finally I get to dress someone up in it! I took a LOT of pictures so I'm going to do a couple of posts....
These are the Sister Missionaries in our ward. The one on the left (Sis. Barlow) made Maci's costume for me on her P-Days! It turned out so cute!
Our little cheerleader! She LOVES cheer! We saw a couple Sunrise Moutain Cheerleaders (that is what she is GO SMHS!) at the mall yesterday in their outfits and she asked them to do a cheer for her so they did! Right there in the KB Toy store! They were so cute with her, and she loved it!!! Brian and I are in some serious trouble!!

Here are the boys! Don't they look cute!! They just love eachother! It's a good thing cuz they don't really have a choice!!

Nataile is coming over on Monday for a photo shoot with them in their costumes so I'll post those in a couple days! Enjoy ALL the pictures!


Brooke Brooks said...

So cute! I love the skunk costume!

Britt said...

Your pictures are SOO freaking cute!! Your families look soo happy! Hope I can see you guys again soon.