Monday, April 30, 2007

Broc's Day

Can you believe it's been TWO years?!? Time is a funny thing! It seems like it was just yesterday!! For those of you that don't know, our family lost this little boy 2 years ago today... Broc Christopher. Here are some pictures from the whole experience that I just love!!

Notice how our family is the only thing in color?!?
Our good friend Melanie took all these at the funeral, she captured so many amazing shots! We will never be able to repay her!! THANKS again Melanie!!
The comfort we felt from our religion through this was amazing and still is today! Here is a scripture that I love, "And I also beheld that all children who die before they arrive at the years of accountability are saved in the celestial kingdom of heaven." D&C 137:10 We know he is up doing an amazing job in heaven and when we see him again, and he tells us what he has done, we will be so happy to know that Heavenly Father trusted us with his sweet spirit!


Amie said...

Ohmygosh these are gorgeous pictures. Chokes me up every time I see them! I've got goosebumps right now. He's such a sweet looking boy. You'll hold him again some day!

Britt said...

seriously.. i wanted to cry seeing these. especially seeing your face in the graveside one.. you just look torn up. Honey.. you are a strong woman. Broc loves you.

Liz said...

It's Amazing your strength Jessica

Anonymous said...

I did cry seeing these photos even though I have seen them before. I am always taken aback by the strength that you have and your willingness to share your testimony with others so that they too can understand this precious truth and find comfort if they have lost a child as well.

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet. Even though it chokes a person up to see them. Today on May 5th is my neice day. She lived 45 minutes before she left us. They were going to take a flowers to her grave this morning. Wish I could of been there cuz my sister took it really hard. Not easy for anyone.

Melissa said...

These pics are so amazing. I am a weepy mess. So touching. You are such a strong, amazing person. Thanks for sharing.