Thursday, June 07, 2007

Finally A Slow Week!

So, nothing major has gone on this week! It's been really nice!! I thought I would just put some random pictures I took, since nothing exciting has happened!

Here is our Goofy Girl! Her Cheer performance was on Saturday! She did so good!! And she loved watching all the other dances!

Here are the kids in the jeep, Kernan would ride around in there all day if someone would be willing to drive it all day!! Maci takes no precautions either, she just goes and we hope he holds on!! He fell out the other night and was crying but I think he was crying because he wanted back in not because he fell out!!

Look at that Handsome Boy... He is so dang cute!! I can't believe how big he is getting!

That's it for today, nothing is going on here and no big plans either! It's very nice to just slow down a bit!!
A really quick shout out to my Best Friend from Oregon CAMEO! She is getting married on July 28th and I am SO excited for her! Congrats Cam! Love Ya!!

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