Well, it's official we are now the parents of a school age child! Maci's first day was today and she was so excited! She was up early and dressed and ready early! Perfect, since I had to get pictures!! So here they are...
Everyone has to have one by the front door, right?!
Walking into class, I know her eyes are closed but it's still a cute picture, she's holding my hand..
Sitting at her desk, she just walked right in put her backpack away and was totally fine! That "Jump Start" Kindergarten she went to a couple of weeks ago was a really smart thing for the school to do! She had 2 weeks to get to know how everything worked and got to know her teacher so she was very comfortable walking into class!
So I'm very excited! I'm typing this from my Brand New MacBook! I just got it in the mail! Whoo Whoo! I'm having fun learning how to do everything, but so far everything I've heard and read about them is turning out true!! Hope you all have a great week! I'll report later in the week on how our Kindergartner is doing!
Awww... I can't imagine having her gone all day! Brynn just started preschoool and teh 2.5 hrs is hard enough. ;) What on earth will you do with all your time?! ;)
She is so pretty!! How exciting and fun! Poor Kernan :(
Wow to cute.. How fun and what a cute thing Boo woo breakfast.
Thats so exciting! The pictures are so cute.
She'll have to color me some pictures now that she is a big Kindergartener. I hope she had a great first day.
Love Ya Maci
I can't believe Maci is already in school. I remember when we saw her in the hospital after she was born. Crazy! Cute pictures as always.
Have fun in school Maci!
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