So Tuesday was my Grandma's birthday,

and she got into town yesterday so we had cake and ice cream last night. She is so funny, she doesn't now how to work the computer at all so when we were there last month I showed her how to get onto the internet and check my blog so she has everyday since then. Well this past week when there wasn't a blog entry for a few days she asked me yesterday if I had updated it and I told her yes and she said Finally! Hahaha!

While we were there my Mom put up the blow up slide for the kids, here is Maci's hands full of grass and prunies!

Kernan figured out how to turn the water up and down so he had fun doing that to the kids! :)

Here is Kernan trying to climb the little wall that goes to my Dad's pond. He got in trouble for trying to climb...
Here is his pouty face he was giving after he got into trouble... Gotta love a pout face!
This is the view our neighbors see when they drive down the road, all Truck and no Garage! The funniest thing to me is the difference between the size of our two trucks! Yes we still have the blue Yukon, it's still for sale if anyone knows of someone that wants it... Please contact us!

Have a good rest of the day... If you are reading this on Thursday, try and make it to Dairy Queen and have a blizzard today! All the proceeds go to the Ronald McDonald House, we have great appreciation for that place because of the way they treated our friends in Oregon when they were in Portland with their daughter at the hospital. So we always make it a point every year to go get a blizzard on these days! Whats better then giving your money to a great cause and getting ice cream out of it at the same time?!? So you know where we are headed tonight!! :)
Hey this is Kolby's friend's(tyler's) sister. I was over at Kolby's today and Maci was there. She is just too dang cute!!!
Wow your grandma looks young!!! Kernan's hair has gotten longer too! Wish I was there :(
hey jess how much are you guys selling the truck for?
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