We went camping this weekend with Jeremiah and Heidi, Shane and Shanna and Dave and his family (he works with Brian). We got up to the camp ground at around 9:30 on Friday night and set up our tent and went to bed! Dave was supposed be arriving at midnight but got lost and didn't get there until 4:30am! So we spent Saturday just hanging out riding quads and waiting for Shane and Shanna.... They didn't get there until 2:30 in the afternoon because they got lost also! Once they got there it started to rain....
Got to love a Camping Face!
Got to love a Camping Face!
Now... we are camping in the woods!!! No cell phones, no tv, no internet.... But these three boys had to bring the xbox 360! All three piled into my suburban playing xbox! Camping huh?!?
Here is Bode trying out a helmet... He was bobbling all over!
So after dinner on Saturday night it started POURING! It was about 7:00 and we all made a run for our tents! Well our tent was leaking... not terrible but we would have been dripped on all night and Maci and Rusty would have been floating by morning!! So we moved our stuff to the Suburban! We all slept in that!! It was terrible!! That was the longest night of all of our lives!!! Plus we camped away from the bathroom so the only way to get to them was by quad or car! That sucked as well! So it didn't rain all night but as soon as the sun came up and we were ready to take down camp and go home... it started again!! So we were all out there taking it down in the rain! We pulled out of camp at 10 and went to Payson to get something to eat and learned that the highway down to Phoenix was closed! So we had to go the long way and take the I-17 well about 15 miles away from our exit we STOPPED and it took us 2.5 hours to make to our exit!! Due to another accident on the freeway! We were going to go home and shower before heading over to Brian's Mom and Dad's for his Dad's birthday dinner... Well instead we had to go there stinky! Sorry guys! It took us 7 hours to get home!!!! Oh and let me mention... I didn't want to go camping at all! So I think next time I say I don't really feel like going camping right now, Brian is going to listen to me! :)
This is the showing of a LONG weekend!
Have a good week everyone!!
That last picture of Kernan is adorable! I'm not a big fan of camping, so thats probably why we never go!
At least it is over. But hey if it hadn't happened we would not have had anything to blog about! :)
the xbox is hilarious. I'm sorry your trip was ruined by the rain... you made some good memories right? ;)
OMg that' picture of Kernan is adorable..
sorry about the rain and the looooooooooong ride home ugh.
Those are some dirty, dirty kids ;) HA HA. I'm glad camping is over for you guys!
You mean you don't pee in the woods?? That's NOT CAMPING!!!
Sounds horrible! We've all been there girl! I feel for ya. I bet it was such a long uncomfortable night. So happy to shower when you got back I'm sure!
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