Thursday, January 03, 2008

Introducing Pep & si

They've been named! And what else then "Pep-si"! LOL! We are loving our birds! Anytime someone asks Maci what her favorite thing she got for Christmas is she wastes no time replying.. "My Birds"! We took them out on Sunday night for the first time and they have gotten use to us and love being out of their cage, as long as they are together! If one person takes one they start flying to get to each other! It so cute!
So this is my bird... "PEP".
He has the most brilliant coloring! He is a little more "feisty" then the girl... Oh ya, he is a boy!

Here is "SI" she is Maci's bird, she is a lot more calm... So cute!

Me and my birds!

Brian put them on Kernan's toy train on Monday! Hahaha! We are having so much fun with them!

Happy Thursday!
The weekend is almost here! It feels like it was just the weekend! Weird! :)


PC&Trev said...

Beware - dogs like birds. you've heard my stories. c

Anonymous said...

Maybe dad would buy Jaxin and I "col and a"! Yeah right!!

Britt said...

cute name... wouldn't mean as much if you didn't have a love affair with pepsi. ;) you guys really love those little things... brian did good.


I was there when your other bird died. That was so crazy. I was in AZ and I was looking for you guys so that I could say hi. However I couldn't find you. But, the good news is that I will be back in like two months with my parents! So I will for sure then have to drop by!

TheWenbergFamily said...

I had my birds for 6 months before they went bye-bye! Ha ha.. they looked exactly like yours. They never, ever perched on my hands!! How rude!