... so PLEASE learn something from me!!
Ok, let me explain! I had a very bad week last week! One of the bad things was, my desktop computer CRASHED! I lost everything! I cried!! I didn't back up like 2 months of pictures, so I lost my entire Idaho and Utah trip and Oregon trip from last summer! I had all my addresses on my computer, I lost all of those! I lost all my tax information that I had just finished but hadn't printed off because I needed more computer paper!! I lost all my emails... Thankfully Southwest emailed me my confirmation email for my trip to Baltimore (22 days Sheena!!) again today!! That was the one I was worried about the most!!! Oh and on that note, I also lost ALL my email addresses! So if I had your email address and/or home address could you please email me at my NEW email address so I can put it in my address book! Or if you want me to have your address or email. I changed from cox to mac so that all my emails will always be on the internet and I will hopefully never lose them again!!
So email me at mandiles[at]mac[dot]com...
(I typed it like that so I wouldn't get spam!!!) Also be sure to change my email address in your address book! I'll be checking the cox one every once in awhile but I have turned to an APPLE/MACINTOSH lover!!! We are currently in the market for an iMac! No more PCs for us, especially after this hole incident!
So please learn from me! Back up all of your pictures, documents, addresses, and emails!! Or I would even suggest getting an internet email address, I know that Outlook is nice and easy since it's right on your computer, but if something happens you'll lose all of them!! The good news is Natalie's Dad thinks he can get me my documents so say a quick prayer that maybe there will be a happy ending to this!!
Now you all know I can't not put pictures in my posts! :) So I saw this on Brittany's blog and have wanted to do it...
What's in a name?
She listed why/where each kid got their name.. So I thought it would be fun!

Maci J -
She got her name from no one really. We were at the temple looking at the Christmas lights and had just found out we were having a girl. No one else in our families knew it yet. And someone walked in and said to the people in front of us "They need Maci, they're leaving." and I looked at Brian and said.. I like that name! And J is her middle name, we have a lot of "J's" in our family so we just summed them all up into a letter for her middle name.

Broc Christopher-
He is our angel!! We wanted him to have the same initials as his Daddy so that narrowed the first names to "B's". I don't know where I had heard Broc but I just thought of it one night as we were driving. We both liked it and so here it is. We went through a lot of other "B" names before but this one stuck. Christopher is Brian's middle name as well as Brian's Dad's middle name. We never thought as we were picking out his name that we would have such a short time with him! We are so thankful for that experience and miss him EVERYDAY!!

Kernan Christopher-
Oh goodness!! His name was a battle!! At first when we found out we were having a boy again, we kinda thought about doing the B.C thing again but then decided that even though Broc wasn't with us he was still our first boy and so that should still be his "honor". So then the battle begun!! I like different names, I get on the top 1000 baby names and look at the very bottom and work up!! So some of the names I came up with were a bit off the wall! And my husband has to think like a school kid and find something to make fun of in every name! Anywho, after months of battling, I decided I wanted to name him after my doctor, Dr. McKernan, because he was such a huge support for us during Broc and was is just a wonderful guy! So I came up with Kernan, it took a lot of begging but in the end I "won"! :) So he is named after Dr. McKernan. His middle name at first we wanted it to be Broc, to name him after him, but then my Mom pointed out that if we wanted "Christopher" to be passed down, Broc wasn't going to be able to do so. So we decided to give him Christopher as well.
So there you have it... My kids names... That was fun! Anyone else that wants to do this go for it! I'd love to read about your kids names as well!!!
Ok, let me explain! I had a very bad week last week! One of the bad things was, my desktop computer CRASHED! I lost everything! I cried!! I didn't back up like 2 months of pictures, so I lost my entire Idaho and Utah trip and Oregon trip from last summer! I had all my addresses on my computer, I lost all of those! I lost all my tax information that I had just finished but hadn't printed off because I needed more computer paper!! I lost all my emails... Thankfully Southwest emailed me my confirmation email for my trip to Baltimore (22 days Sheena!!) again today!! That was the one I was worried about the most!!! Oh and on that note, I also lost ALL my email addresses! So if I had your email address and/or home address could you please email me at my NEW email address so I can put it in my address book! Or if you want me to have your address or email. I changed from cox to mac so that all my emails will always be on the internet and I will hopefully never lose them again!!
So email me at mandiles[at]mac[dot]com...
(I typed it like that so I wouldn't get spam!!!) Also be sure to change my email address in your address book! I'll be checking the cox one every once in awhile but I have turned to an APPLE/MACINTOSH lover!!! We are currently in the market for an iMac! No more PCs for us, especially after this hole incident!
So please learn from me! Back up all of your pictures, documents, addresses, and emails!! Or I would even suggest getting an internet email address, I know that Outlook is nice and easy since it's right on your computer, but if something happens you'll lose all of them!! The good news is Natalie's Dad thinks he can get me my documents so say a quick prayer that maybe there will be a happy ending to this!!
Now you all know I can't not put pictures in my posts! :) So I saw this on Brittany's blog and have wanted to do it...
What's in a name?
She listed why/where each kid got their name.. So I thought it would be fun!

Maci J -
She got her name from no one really. We were at the temple looking at the Christmas lights and had just found out we were having a girl. No one else in our families knew it yet. And someone walked in and said to the people in front of us "They need Maci, they're leaving." and I looked at Brian and said.. I like that name! And J is her middle name, we have a lot of "J's" in our family so we just summed them all up into a letter for her middle name.

Broc Christopher-
He is our angel!! We wanted him to have the same initials as his Daddy so that narrowed the first names to "B's". I don't know where I had heard Broc but I just thought of it one night as we were driving. We both liked it and so here it is. We went through a lot of other "B" names before but this one stuck. Christopher is Brian's middle name as well as Brian's Dad's middle name. We never thought as we were picking out his name that we would have such a short time with him! We are so thankful for that experience and miss him EVERYDAY!!

Kernan Christopher-
Oh goodness!! His name was a battle!! At first when we found out we were having a boy again, we kinda thought about doing the B.C thing again but then decided that even though Broc wasn't with us he was still our first boy and so that should still be his "honor". So then the battle begun!! I like different names, I get on the top 1000 baby names and look at the very bottom and work up!! So some of the names I came up with were a bit off the wall! And my husband has to think like a school kid and find something to make fun of in every name! Anywho, after months of battling, I decided I wanted to name him after my doctor, Dr. McKernan, because he was such a huge support for us during Broc and was is just a wonderful guy! So I came up with Kernan, it took a lot of begging but in the end I "won"! :) So he is named after Dr. McKernan. His middle name at first we wanted it to be Broc, to name him after him, but then my Mom pointed out that if we wanted "Christopher" to be passed down, Broc wasn't going to be able to do so. So we decided to give him Christopher as well.
So there you have it... My kids names... That was fun! Anyone else that wants to do this go for it! I'd love to read about your kids names as well!!!
So cute! I love your kids' name! I especially like the way you spell Maci's name. I've seen it spelled a lot of ways, but I like how it ends in just an "i" ! I almost cried when I saw Broc's pic. He looks like such a sweet baby. You truly have an angel! You guys have worked so hard to have your family. What a great family you guys are!
Sorry, my same comment poted on there 3 times so I erased the last two!! :-)
I am truely sorry about your computer. My laptop lost my whole journal about 2 years ago. I thought that was hard, but I feel that what you lost was worse. How do you get your pictures so large on your blog? They look great.
Here goes...
Brian is named after Paul's friend Brian, and Paul's middle name Christopher which his mother chose from St. Christopher.
Christtina is named after her father's middle name and for her due date which was Christmas day. That's the reason for the two T's. My mother chose her middle name.
Michayla is named after my Great Great Great Grandma from Ireland. Her middle name is from both my mother's middle name and an old neighbor of ours. Emilee is after a freind of mine, Emilee Keeler, love that woman. Her middle name is after Paul's moms.
There you have it.
What a bummer about your computer! How frustrating! Rob is amazing with computers though, he is always doind stuff for my mom, haha. Hopefully he can take care of that for you! I loved hearing about how you picked out your kids names!
Hey so I looked for you guys at church. But I don't think that you weren't there. I don't have your number so I guess we missed each other again. It makes me so SAD. So if you guys come to Utah please look me up. My cell # is 801-698-1241. When I come down next no excuses I will find you guys!
Bummer about your computer! Ugh! So I mean to ask you before and I forgot... what was the trick you learned in how to make your pictures bigger in blogger? My email if you want it is amiedanny@msn.com
Darn computers!!
I am so sorry about your computer. We recently backed up all our pictures because I would be devastated if we lost it. I am so so so sorry. I wish there was something I could do to fix it. I can't imagine how painful it must be.
And the names are adorable. Just gorgeous. I'll text you my info when I get the chance.. I got babies crying. lol.
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