Saturday, July 26, 2008

We're Moving...

to UTAH!
I know, you're sitting there saying... WHAT?!? We're still saying that too!
OK, let me explain ever since we got married Brian has wanted to move to Cedar City, even before we had Maci we were up there visiting and my Uncle Matt took as around to look at houses! I've been the one that has always said, "No! It snows there!!" So it's never been seriously discussed! We've obviously been up there several times since and EVERY time Brian says "I could live here." many times!! Over and over actually! So that would be why I go visit and leave him at home! haha, Just Kidding! :) But seriously, he says it all the time! So when we were there for my cousins wedding in June, he of course said it again!! When we got home I mentioned how I'd like to go back up before summer ends to actually relax and have a vacation. Because we were so busy with wedding stuff there really wasn't any time to just hang out. So Brian said that was fine, but if we went back up there he was going to look into jobs and moving there. Well for some reason when he said that this time it didn't sound to bad to me. I finally decided I was being a bit selfish by not wanting to give it a try. I know that there are more opportunities for our family up there and the small town atmosphere is fun to grow up in! So, while we were there for 4th of July we were also there to "scope things out". Well, window tint is a bigger market up there then we thought!! And a lot of things just fell into place!! So we came home made a "PRO & CONS" list and did a lot of praying about it and both felt that it was the right move for our family, our only hesitation was that he didn't have a set job.
So this last weekend we drove up there Friday night and came home Sunday, Brian had two interviews on Saturday. One was an interview with the head of the Private Investigators for Workers Comp and the other was with a local tint shop. We went thinking... If he didn't get a job than that was that and end of discussion, it just wasn't meant to be... Well we came home with BOTH jobs!! So we're moving the end of August to Cedar City!!


Some of the CONS that concern me are #1... Leaving family! My Mom is my best friend and we do so much together, I'm not sure what I'm going to do up there!! Also Maci has built in best friends and has already expressed that she'll miss them! When we were talking to her about what she thought of moving she was excited until she realized that our families wouldn't be moving too! In fact a few days after we discussed it she came up to me out of the blue and said, "So Mom, if we move that means the kids are going to move too right!?" If only it were that easy!!
There is also family up there, my grandparents, Aunts and Uncles and Cousins! So that will be fun!
Concern #2- It SNOWS there!! And for everyone that knows me, I don't do snow!! We go up to Flagstaff for the weekend to play in it and by Sunday I'm ready to come home!! When discussing it with Maci I said, "But Maci... It SNOWS there!" and she looked right at me and said, "So stay inside Mom!" Oh duh!! It was the cutest thing!!

Another cute thing I have to write down that Maci did was, the night we were talking to her about it, Brian left shortly afterwards to go to Scouts and I got the kids fed and showered. Brian got home and we were both sitting on the couch watching Wipeout (hilarious show) when Maci comes in to us (it had been probably 2 hours since we had talked to her about it) and she said...Very seriously... "I thought about it while I was in the shower, and, we can move." lol! I love that little girl!! She brings so much joy and laughter to our lives!!


But our PROS outweigh our CONS (although leaving our families is a big one!)
We know that it will be good for our family in the long run. We are both very excited and nervous about this but feel really good about it!
We just have one more matter of "business" and we're hoping our friends, family and sparatic people who look at our blog can help us... We need to rent out our house. I've made a blog with information and pictures of our home, if you or someone you know is looking to rent please let us know!! Here is the direct link and address, pass it onto anyone!!


You'll have the best neighbors! We're very sad to leave them too! It's just a great street with neat people! But the best ones live across the street!! We promise!! :)

So that's our big news! Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we take an adventure as a family! :)


Brooke Brooks said...

WOW thats huge! But very exciting! Good luck with everything!

Britt said...

AHH! oh my goodness!! That is HUGE NEWS! CONGRATULATIONS MANDILE FAMILY! That is just wonderful. I thought Cedar City looked absolutely gorgeous. That is great you'll be so close to family. I would love to move somewhere more small town. Buckeye is booming. Keep us updated girl. ;)

Justina Selim said...

Wow! That's great! Sounds like a fun change!

Unknown said...

We are so excited! I think the boys will have so much fun!

I'm not to sure about the snow either so we will be inside together.

Can't wait to see you in August.

PC&Trev said...

I think it's a great change for you guys, plenty of hope ahead. But, it will be sad. I just wish we could get out of this city too.

LeChem Fam said...

Congratulations!! Moving from family is so hard but when you get to go back and visit the time means so much more to you. Good luck with everything!!

The Kurtzeborn Family said...

Good luck with everything! Your house is gorgeous! If I hear of anyone looking I'll send them your way! Utah is beautiful. and One more PRO to add to your list.. . . .you'll actually get a white Christmas! You won't have your A/C on in December there!! :)


WOW I can't believe you guys are moving. That is crazy. Hey I am only three hours away if you ever need anything!

Melanie said...

You can't go. Who will rescue me every time I need it??????

Jenna Burningham, OTR/L said...

Hey Jessica...This is Jenna (Melissa "Flake"s old friend from high school-the crazy blonde). I was wondering if you could email me. My best friend is dealing with a loss similar to yours (38weeks2days on July 7/11/08)and she had Dr. McKernan. I was wondering if I could get you two in touch. Email

Amie said...

I heard this was comin''ll be missed! I can't imagine Keri without you!

Liz said...

Wow wee.... Good luck.