Monday, August 11, 2008

1st Day of School...

We have a 1st grader in our house! :( When did she grow up?? And why does the first grade class room have to seem so much more "big kid" then the Kindergarten class rooms?! I can't believe she's in 1st grade!! She was SO excited to go to school today!
While I was busy with the garage sale this weekend, my Mom took Maci and the kids shopping to get a "back to school" outfit. Maci got brown and pink to match the Nike shoes Grandma had bought her a few months ago.
Here she is all dressed and ready!

And Kernan wanted in on the action too! Which lately is a rare thing, normally he's telling me to STOP! But he went right over and posed!
They are so cute! ;)


Here she is at her "big kid" desk and in her "big kid" classroom with her "big kid" books!
I don't want her to be a "big kid"!!

These next couple pictures are kinda blurry but so sweet!!
I told Kernan to go say Goodbye to Sissy...

He had to go back again and get another kiss!
When we were pulling out of the school he kept yelling "Sissy!" He didn't want to leave her there!

Life is Crazy Busy right now!! My garage sale went really well! Garage sale shoppers are CRAZY! I never knew how nuts they were until this weekend!! But they came and bought so crazy or not they helped us out!! :)
Now I have two weeks to pack up the house! Brian's last day of work is Friday and then he has a whole week to help get things done around the house before we hit the road!! I still can't believe how fast this has all happened!! Crazy!
I have some pictures from some lake outings we've been on in the last couple weeks so I'll get those up soon!
I can't believe my little girl is in FIRST GRADE!! :(
Have a good day everyone!


Anonymous said...

If you think first grade is bad, just wait until she's a Freshman in High School. I had more trouble with that than when they went to kindergarten. It will be here faster than you think.
She looked adorable in her outfit. I love how close they are and hope it will stay that way.

PC&Trev said...

She looks cute in that outfit, good job Peterson Clan. The next 2 wks will go by so fast, let me know if you need help.

Anonymous said...

She looks adorable. Love the pink and brown. Tammi

The Wrays said...

I can not believe she is in 1st grade already ...
I remember when she was born!! As a new parent, I am learning really quick that the grow up too fast!!
I love how Maci and Kernan are so close, it is absolutely precious.

TheWenbergFamily said...

Aww that's too sweet. Maci looks great! I can't wait to see pics of her new class.