Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Our Summer So Far...

So, I'm so far behind on blogging!! I still have my brother's temple trip pictures, Trevor's birthday, Phil and Christtina's Family Pictures and Kolby's Mission Pictures....
But I'm going to just go ahead and show you what we've been up to since we've gotten home and add the other things as I go....

So, what we've been up to so far...
When we got home from AZ it was overcast and sprinkling. My Mom and the kids came back with me to go to my cousins wedding in Salt Lake. We were all hanging out on the porch enjoying the weather when the kids noticed a double rainbow! So I snapped a picture! :)
So pretty!!

Then one morning Brian had sprayed the porch off and I was sitting on the swing when I noticed this snail enjoying the water on the porch... He was all spread out and his eyes were looking everywhere! Probably keeping an eye out for Maci who thinks they need bathes and dips them in cups of water, killing them! Poor snails!!

Here is just a random cute picture of Kernan...
He was waiting for his "Bobe" (Kolby) to come to his house so he could show him his "news" room!

Then last Tuesday (June 2nd) my Mom and Kolby headed back to AZ and Stockton and Jaxin stayed with us... We've been having so much fun!! This is just a small sampling, I haven't been very good at taking pictures, because we've just been having to much fun!!
I bought all the kids clay pots to paint and put out in our front yard...

Jaxin is concentrating hard on her flowers here!!


Kernan painted more in the inside then the outside... We had to remind him to paint the outside too! So if you dump out his plant and dirt it'll be beautiful and colorful! :)

They all worked very hard on them! Check out each of the concentration on their faces!! hehe!



And their finished prodcuts! I love them!





They have had many waterballon fights!! The kids goal... GET BRIAN!! They hadn't been successful until Sunday, they got him good when he wasn't paying attention!! Kernan just loves his job as the hose operator! In fact he got Brian so good one afternoon! It was so funny!!

These next pictures are so funny! The kids found these sleeping masks at Micheal's and wanted to get them, I told them I'd buy them but I got to take pictures! They agreed! :D
Here are the peaceful children all sung in their bed sound asleep...


Think they are asleep now??

What about now??

NOPE, they totally weren't!! Goofballs!

The other thing they've been busy doing... Is making crafts out of the "melted beads" and getting ready to sell them at their "Lemonade/Kool-aid" stand...
They were finally all ready to set up shop this afternoon!!
Maci was in charge of the Craft table...

Jaxin was in charge of the Drink and Candy table....

And Stockton and Kernan were in charge of Advertisement!

Here they are with some of the neighborhood kids making sales...

While the little guy was helping himself to the candy!! He ain't no dummy!!

Here he is showing off his sign he rode around with on his bike...
There are several pictures because he was being a ham!!



Bye Mom... I'm off to do my job!!

See my sign?! Come to the sale!!

They were out there from 2 until we finally made them clean it up at 9 o'clock!! I haven't counted all their coins yet but just in bills they have 18 bucks!! Not bad! They plan on doing it everyday! They're going to be rich!!
So that was a look at what we've been up to so far this summer!! FUN!
Sorry there were lots of pictures, I wanted my Mom to remember what her kids look like!! ;)


Anonymous said...

Thank you! I love being reminded what they all look like! I sure do miss them all around here, but have to admit I loooove getting so much done as well. I am just glad that everyone is having fun!! Even you! See you soon. ;)

NancyM said...

Oh how fun it is to be a kid!!! Those were the good ole days!

Unknown said...

What are they gonna do with all the money? What a fun summer!

PC&Trev said...

That all looks so fun. I want to have fun!! Oh to be a kid again :-( All the crafts were cute and such a great idea. The 2nd picture of Kernan is flippin' awesome. If I can't steal it, send it to me.

PC&Trev said...

Oh and send me the rainbow one, I want it as my screen saver

The Davis's said...

It looks like you guys are having fun! There is no way you could do that here. You would melt!!! Miss ya!