We haven't had a weekend like this in forever! We are usually camping or in California or Utah on 3 day weekends, so it was weird to be home and have no plans! Friday Maci had her first sleep over at a friends house! She's slept over at Grandma's and Nonna's but not at a friends! She got to sleep over at Tatum's house for Tatum's birthday. We all went out to eat at Echaban (sp?) it's in Avondale, they cook your meal right in front of you. Brian and I had only been to a place like this once when we were dating. So Maci and Kernan were loving it! When the guy put the fire on the grill they were all eyes! It was such a fun time! Joanna and her family are so fun to hang out with!!
Here is the Birthday girl Tatum!

The ladies wore the coolest outfits with these big bows on their backs!

Here is Joanna and her family. Her parents and her brother... I loved the crop I did on this!

The cool fire show the cook did for us...

Rylee was scared of the fire, she did the one eye looking while the other eye is covered! So cute! I swear it helps, that's what I do in scary movies!!

The GIRLS... They get along really well and they argue really well... That's girls for ya!

Maci of course did fine at Tatum's not like me, I cried at about 10:00pm wanting my Mom so she would have to come get me... :) Not Maci! She was fine!
So Saturday was just a laid back day and of course Sunday's are always relaxing, getting to go to church and feel the spirit. I love Sundays! Monday Brian and Kolby went out riding the dirt bike and quad. So Maci, Jaxin and I went and saw "Hairspray"!

It is such a good movie! I can't wait to buy it! I'm such a musical person and so is Maci! She watches High School Musical 2 EVERYDAY!! I think that helped with why she liked Hairspray so much Zac Efron!

He is a very good actor and such a cutie! Maci saw him on the screen and got so excited... "Mom there's Troy!!" It's so fun having a girl! Just a great laid back, low key weekend! Kinda nice! Hope you all had a great Labor Day Weekend!
I am still looking for models to add to my portfolio! Contact me if you or someone you know is interested!! Have a great week!!
It looks like yall had a great weekend. Those resturants are so much fun! And I've been wanting to see Hairspray since it came out but can never find time to go!
I love low key weekends. I am just waiting for one to come around!
what fun! Those girls look like they could be sisters.
I still have not seen HSM2 or hairspray...not surprising since I have no girls. Some day. =)
Of course wonderful pics
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