I didn't think yesterday was ever going to end!
I took this picture of Kernan yesterday morning isn't it cute?! I love this shirt!

It started for both of us at 10:00am. I had a vinyl party for a friend of mine and Brian got a call from his Mom that we could have a 55gl saltwater fish tank with live rock, fish and an eel! So off I went and off he went and our kids went to my Mom. (Thanks Mom!) When my show was over I went to the house where the tanks were to help! Oh my goodness! There was a ton of stuff! We didn't leave there until 4:30pm! There were two fishtanks with TONS of live rock! (We have a ton if you know of someone who wants some!) So then we brought it home and had to transfer our fish we already had and put the tank all back together... We weren't done until 12:30am!! But it's beautiful! We unfortunately had 6 fish die in the process, that was sad! Thank you Christtina, Phil, Lisa and Paul for all your help! We would still be working on it if it were just us!! We really appreciate it! Then Jeremiah had come down so he and Brian could play his xbox 360 so they stayed up until 4:00am! What a weekend!
Here is a picture of Brian and Phil trying to catch the eel! It was pretty funny! He was so slippery they couldn't get a grip of him!

Here he is... he is a Zebra eel... Kinda gross and kinda cool at the same time! As long as I don't have to touch him or feed him! :)

The boys trying to figure out how to take it all apart..

The semi-finished product! We aren't sure exactly how the bottom filter is hooked up so we have a fish guy coming out tomorrow afternoon to help us and to tell us how to take care of everything! We have 5 "Nemo" fish, two are "mated" so we could get baby Nemo's! We have a yellow and orange fish... I don't know what kind they are. The Zebra eel and 4 or 5 anemones. It is so pretty! I'm so excited!!

Now Brian, Jer and Nate are going to the lake tonight to go fishing and wakeboarding in the morning. Here is Maci helping her Daddy this morning cut up the anchovies he's taking tonight for bait! Eww! I stayed in the house.... Gross!

Hope you all had a great weekend! And hope you have a great week!!
wow, great tank! gorgeous!
WOW! We have always wanted a saltwater tank... but have heard they are pretty pricey to keep up. Keep us posted on how everything goes!
That fishing trip was freakin awesome and the fish tank is sweet.
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