Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fourth of July~

Our 4th of July was a laid back one this year!  It was really nice!
We went swimming in the early afternoon and then had my family and some friends over for a BBQ in our front yard.  We had a perfect view of the city fireworks from our driveway! Ü
All the pictures I took from that day are from my cell phone... I've taken most of my pictures this summer on that... kinda sad, but it's just so convenient! Ü  I'll post more about that later...
Watching the city fireworks, these guys were all to excited for the fireworks we bought to set off that I don't think they really paid attention to the city fireworks! Ü

Kernan kept a tight grasp on these!

Who knows what these two were talking about, possibly which ones they wanted to light up first?!

Boys!!  They are just born pyromaniacs!  Natalie and I are going to make sure we keep this picture so that one day when they're lighting the fireworks for their boys we can show it to them! Ü


Harper wasn't so sure about them Ü



Best Buddies Ü

It was a fun day!  Thanks to everyone that came over! Ü

1 comment:

Sam and Melissa said...

How fun! I love having laid back holidays like that. Kernan and Kolsen are so cute together. They look like they could be twins.