Saturday, November 12, 2011

Guess What....


Yep!!  We're expecting!!
The picture of the Prego jar is what I posted as my facebook profile picture to break the news to my friends! Ü


Brian and I keep it quite for awhile, just because we've had a couple miscarriages and stuff.  Especially now that our kids are older we didn't want to get their hopes up and then something happen.
So when we finally told them, we decided to play hangman Ü

This is what it said once they figured it out Ü  Maci was SO happy...  She guessed it.  I asked Kernan if he just heard what Maci said and he said, Ya!  I asked him what he thought and he said, I'm happy! Ü

We took these cupcakes over to my family to tell them the exciting news! Ü

With all 4 of our kids we've told Brian's family on Brian's Dad's birthday!  So why stop the tradition with this baby, right?!  With the help of my awesomely talented friend Natalie we made this cake to take over to their house...

We had our ultrasound on the 28th of October, where we found out what we are having...
We didn't tell anyone about our appt..  Brian had taken that day off so we could celebrate our 10 year anniversary.  So we went and picked the kids up from school and headed to the doctors office Ü
I had only told Natalie about our appt and she was willing to make cupcakes once we found out what it was to tell the rest of our family and friends!

When you took a bite of the cupcake... this is what was inside!!

I was SO shocked!  I have thought from the very beginning of this pregnancy that it was a boy!  When the ultrasound tech told us, I was in total disbelief!
I'm still not 100% sure they're right, although her little ultrasound picture is VERY obvious!! Ü
Maci is SO excited!!  Kernan growled when we found out, and even broke down in tears while we were in the waiting room, but I think he's better now, although he has told me that the next baby HAS to be a boy... We'll see about that Bub! Ü  And Brian is having to figure out how he's going to make room for another Daddy's girl... because Maci is about the biggest one ever!  Good thing they both have some time to figure that all out Ü

We had our ward trunk or treat that night.  I had made this shirt earlier in the week and I was all ready to put a basketball on my baby, but instead I gave McKenna her first little bow! Ü  I got so many complements on my shirt!!

Now I know you're going to ask, where did you get her name?
Well she will be named after this beautiful girl!!
Rylee McKenna

If you don't know, I grew up in Oregon.  We moved to Arizona when I was 14.  We had a family in OR that we were (and still are) very close with!  The Miller Family...
This is their daughter, I baby sat her all the time!!  Marcie (her Mom) worked from home and would have me come over and watch her so she could get her work done.
Their oldest son, Todd, is a year younger then me.  I've always thought of him as a brother.  In fact when we lived in OR and would go places with their family, people were surprised to find out that we in fact weren't related at all! Ü
Anyway, Rylee was always so close to me, I have so many memories of us watching The Lion King!  We watched that movie SO many times!  Her favorite book was Old Hat New Hat.. Both my kids have copies of that book and I can still read it by heart!
Well we moved to AZ in October of '98.  I went back to OR for a visit the day after Christmas, I ended up getting the flu and changed my flight back to AZ to go home sooner.  My last memory of Rylee was her crying as her Mom dropped me off at the airport, she was saying "I GO ZEKAKA!" (she couldn't say Jessica very well, I was Zekaka) She said it over and over.
Well 6 months later we got a call telling us that Rylee had drowned in their backyard pond and was being flown to Portland, she held on for nearly 2 weeks.  She needed to be put on a lung bypass machine which meant she wouldn't be able to talk anymore, her last words to her Mommy were, "I go home now"  Little did we know she meant her home with Heavenly Father.  We drove up to OR for her funeral, one of the most spiritual meetings of my life!
When we lost Broc, Marcie was one of the first people I wanted to talk to!  Although I didn't have 2 years with Broc, I knew she would know what I was feeling.  I remember her and I just crying on the phone.  It didn't matter, it was so good to have her and I was and still am, so thankful to know that Rylee is up in heaven with Broc!
So there ya have it... We're pregnant again!  Totally thought we were done!  It's a girl and her name is McKenna Rylee!! Ü  Now I just wish it were April and this was over!!  I was known to tell many that I didn't want to be pregnant again, I just wanted a baby... that statement is still true!!  But it's a blessing and I need the next 5 months to come to terms with it being a girl and get stuff ready to have a baby again!  We don't have a THING!!  But we're all very excited! Ü


Kami said...

I love the cupcake idea, if we ever have another surprise I would like to do something fun like that.

I didn't know you made your shirt, that's awesome. I thought you bought it!
McKenna is a cute name, it goes well with Macie and Kernan and that's so neat that you were able to name her after a family friend.

I am sure the next 5 months will go by faster than you think!

LeChem Fam said...

Congratulations! What fun ways to share your news with everyone.

Sam and Melissa said...

Jessica I am so excited for you. How neat to have a little sister for Maci. And that is the cutest way ever to announce a pregnancy, I love all your ideas, the shirt and the cupcakes.

Sam and Melissa said...

Jessica, could you leave and your parents' addresses on my blog, or email them to:, so that I can mail you guys Christmas cards? Thanks! Can't wait to see you!

NancyM said...

Jess, You need to update this blog with cute pictures of that new little bundle of joy!!!!!